Meet Bits – A Remarkable Rescue Dog

(As dictated to Mom, aka Sherry Johnston, Frisco Resident)

I was asked to share the story of my life and that makes sense to me because I am a very REMARKABLE dog.

My name is Bits, or Little Bits, or Bisty Boo or Pumpkin Butt or, well, we don’t have all day do we? I was born on August 10, 2010, or somewhere there about. No one knows for sure, and since August 10th is National Dog Day, I couldn’t think of a better day to claim! And yes, I live here in Frisco.

I was the sixth dog that my folks had adopted since they got married and all but one came without any prior training. Mom did all of their training and all of them became well mannered, confident, friendly members of the family. There’s a Bible verse Mom should have brought to mind. “Wherefore let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.” I Cor. 10:12

My first few months were a bit of a challenge. Don’t get me wrong, I learned everything she taught me and would do any sort of trick for a cookie, but I still wanted to rule the world. The fact that Mom had knee surgery and couldn’t do as many socialization exercises as she wanted, didn’t help. I liked Mom, Dad and my human sis alright. Other people were NOT to be trusted and other dogs, including the pushover old lady who already lived at my house, were to follow my orders, or be put in their place! (I quickly taught that dog that all the toys belonged to me and ONLY ME!)

Love me some teeter-totter!

When Dad decided it would be a good idea to add his father to our household, Mom knew she would need outside help in my training. She had heard lots of wonderful things about a place called “What a Great Dog”, so I got to go to school! It was fantastic! So many fun games to play and so many treats to eat! Slowly, I was learning to let Mom be in charge of the situation. (Especially when she was wearing her treat pouch!)

The veterinarian (I like to call him “Dr. Needles” because he’s always poking me!) took a blood sample (See!) to find out what type of dog I am. The results came back saying that I am a quarter Australian Cattle Dog (aka Blue Heeler), a quarter Dalmatian, an eighth Beagle and the rest is too well mixed to know. Except for maybe the Heeler, if you squint and tilt your head, I don’t look like any of those breeds. But my attitude started to make sense to Mom! Heelers are hard workers and often bond most strongly to a single person. Me. Dalmatians are typically athletic and leery of strangers. Also me. And everyone who has met a Beagle knows that their favorite hobbies include barking and eating! Me, me, and me!

As I was maturing, Mom saw that I loved any physical challenge and would to jump, spinning in a circle when I played catch or hop up onto low walls and ledges if we happened to pass one while walking. My energy was limitless and I was constantly wanting to learn something new. The canine sport of Agility was calling our names and luckily, What a Great Dog was the perfect place to learn!

I’m not sure how much you know about Agility, but it’s a great sport! I first learned to run next to Mom and switch from being on her left to on her right and back again. There were tunnels to race through then I learned how to jump over a bar without knocking it down and through a hoop. I got to run over a “dog walk” that is like a dog version of a balance beam, up and down a big “A Frame”, and to slalom through weave poles, but my favorite agility obstacle is the teeter-totter! Now I had an outlet for my energy, and I was really seeing Mom as the leader of our team! Not that I began liking other people or other dogs, but I could handle them being nearby because I could trust Mom to take care of the situation. When we were running through a course in the agility ring, it felt like Mom and I were the only two on Earth! I don’t want to brag, but will. I won some pretty nice awards and ribbons for all my great energy.

Love taking naps, now

I’m twelve years old now and retired from my agility career. I developed arthritis in my front legs and shoulders and really started slowing down, so Mom said it was time to stop. I still like to run, but I can’t go as long or as fast as I used to. Dr. Needles says I shouldn’t jump anymore, so, even though I ‘d still like to jump for my toys when Mom throws them, I do let her lift me on and off the couch. I’ve learned new tricks to earn treats, that Mom calls “physical therapy” and I have a new house-mate dog that I let play with some of my toys.

I’m still “difficult”, but Mom and Dad love my spirit! People often say that they learn unconditional love by the example of their dogs. It is true that dogs love their people no matter what! But Mom has learned unconditional love by loving me even though I’m not the easiest, or most reliable dog she’s ever had. I can’t be trusted around children, and I bark my head off when strangers are near my yard. But I’m an amazing watch dog and take good care of my family. And, I’m the best agility partner she has ever had! And, yes, I too want a Frisco rescue and adoption center in Frisco! I had to get that plug in!

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