Want to Speak up for CCAS? Here’s How!

There are three major opportunities for you to speak up for animals in Collin County. First being, Monday, August 14th starting at 1:30PM at Commissioners Court, then at the start of their Budget Workshop Meeting (Special Session) right after the Commissioners Court Meeting on Monday, and on August 21st, at 1:30PM when they will most likely vote on the Court Order calling for the Bond.

Here are the steps – the short and long of it —

  • Address – Collin County Commissioners Court, Jack Hatchell Administration Building, 4th Floor, 2300 Bloomdale Road, McKinney
  • Date – Monday, August 14, 2023
  • Time – Arrive at 1:15 PM
  • Find and fill out a blue form/card to speak before entering, enter and give the card to the Clerk
  • Court starts at 1:30 PM
  • List AI Item 54490
  • Speak at opening comments
  • You have 3 minutes to speak at most

Here are more details —

Please arrive at 1:15PM as you have to fill out a form to speak. The form is at the front desk BEFORE entering the chamber and it is blue card stock paper (8×11).

Commissioners Court starts at 1:30PM and since the Bond is on the agenda, you will be asked to speak at Public Comments right after Invocation and the Pledge at 1:30PM.

On the card – the agenda item number is 54490 for Monday, August, 14th. Turn the card into to the Clerk Secretary at the front of the room before 1:30PM.

If you wish to attend but do not want to speak, you can still fill out a card in a show of support of moving the request for funds for Collin County Animal Services and for this to be placed on the ballot in November.

You have three minutes to speak. Topics may include any of the concerns expressed on this page time and time again. And, you can learn even more on our Facebook page here.

So you know, from the last meeting, August 7th, all four Commissioners were in favor of the shelter moving forward, the Judge was not. Please thank them and ask them to continue to support this as they move forward in these meetings and in the upcoming budget meetings starting later in the day. We need to make animals more of a priority in Collin County!

Learn more at https://www.collincountytx.gov/Government/Commissioners-Court/agendas for tomorrow’s meetings and future meetings.

#helpccas #expandccas #collincountyanimalservices #collincountybond #collincountyimportant

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