CCAS Proposes Expansion

UPDATE – Aug. 1. Frisco’s Pet Project, in an effort to rally the citizens of Collin County in support of the Shelter’s request for bond funds, has started a campaign to #helpCCAS and #expandCCAS . Sadly, we were not successful in getting Frisco to step up and place a shelter on their city bond, but we hope this time it will be different. Leading up to the potential bond in November, we are going to update this page and our Facebook and Twitter pages with the latest news and call to action items as they come up. Be sure to follow and please share them to your community pages, lost and found pages (if allowed), and your local rescues pages. Here is how to begin. Phase 1 starts here.

Original post – June 6, 2023 – BIG NEWS! You have a pet-loving champion in Cheryl Williams Campaign. Commissioner Williams kindly met with 5 of our own pet champions from this community page yesterday to help us understand the County’s Bond process. The team at Collin County Animal Services has made a proposal to the County for more space – 10K square feet for $5,700,000 mil. We now need your help.

We are looking for the most passionate pet-loving residents from each of the communities in Collin County, especially those serviced by CCAS. Please email us at if you want to take an active role in promoting this need. Exciting news!!!

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