Frisco Announces an Animal Advisory Committee

Raise the Ruff! There’s a new voice for animals and pets in Frisco, TX. October 4, 2022, Mayor Jeff Cheney announced a new Ad Hoc and the creation of an Animal Advisory Committee. Spearheading the Committee, Council Member Laura Rummel and Frisco Animal Services Supervisor Steven Lerner along with seven Frisco residents and animal-lovers appointed by the Mayor and Council.

Congratulations, and Cats to you!

  • Place 1: Nicole Kohansky
  • Place 2: Stephanie Cleveland
  • Place 3: Lisa Kirby
  • Place 4: Shelly Sullivan
  • Place 5: Lisa Allison
  • Place 6: Chris Fields
  • Place 7: Traci Maroney

The Committee will be meeting soon so if you have any ideas, want to share some concerns, learn about volunteer opportunities, let Council Woman Laura Rummel know with an email and she will them share with the group.

This is a pretty exciting item off of our wish list! With this team, we’re expecting some big changes to come.

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