Only the Beginning

What to do now? The Frisco animal ordinance passed last night and as most will agree “it’s an improvement.” But is it enough? It seems to many of us that the City of Frisco only makes Frisco pets and animals a priority when something negative happens. In a short amount of time, we’ve witnessed life-threatening coyote attacks, the Prescott dog bite drama, and the Petland investigation. Every month it seems that Collin County Animal Services is crying out for help with constant code red alerts and adoptions at $25 or less in an effort to clear out the animals lined up in the hallways. Frisco needs to be more proactive. We need to be anticipating problems rather than picking up after them. The Mayor last night said “This is only the beginning.” We couldn’t agree more.

Last night at the City Council meeting during Citizen Input we asked the Mayor, Council, and City Staff if we could please make Frisco pets and animals one of the City’s top ten priorities in 2020. We told them that their residents want an Animal Advisory Board. We asked to be part of their winter work sessions to present some of our progressive pet ideas.

Please, if you will, watch the Council Meeting from Jan. 21 on the City of Frisco website under the tabs Government, Council, and Agendas. See if you don’t agree that the request made at Citizen Input (7:30pm) is a fair one. See if you don’t hear hints by the Mayor in his closing remarks about his plans for a rescue and adoption center, or as they call it—a shelter.

If you don’t agree, that’s okay, but if you’re concerned as we are, let your City officials know. Comment below, share this posting, write your Council and City staff and ask for Frisco pets to be a key focus in the coming year. Tell your friends and add your name to our petition online at

Please don’t let the City think that we are only sharing the opinions of a passionate few rather of a mindful many.

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