Look At Us Now!

Welcome to the new Frisco’s Pet Project website. Thanks for tracking us down. Pun intended!

What started back in early July 2018 with a handful of Frisco pet-lovers on Facebook has now grown into the hundreds. We expect this number to grow even larger with this new website. Here, you can learn more about our mission, hear the latest barking news, follow our progress, read some interesting mews, and drool over some great animals pics. We imagine the website will also expand, adding pages and topics for discussion as we continue to lead the charge to Keep Frisco Pets in Frisco.

So, enjoy sniffing around the website, and if you think our cause is a pawsitive one, please add your name under the heading Say Yes to Pets. This list will act as our official list of supporters for our city officials to see. Afterward, please help us with PETworking and make it your mission to share our mission with everyone you know.

Thanks and don’t forget to show us your support with your paw print.

Spread the Love