Frisco’s Pet Project is in CODE RED!

Please Help Us to Help Them!

As of 9:00 AM this morning, June 17th, we learned that on Friday, June 14th, 2019, the City of Frisco placed an Agenda Item 25 on tomorrow’s City Council Meeting, June 18th, 2019.

On June 11th, FPP reached out in an email letter to Assistant City Manager Ben Brezina, thanking him for meeting with us on June 7th, and to further ask, “ First, will you please let FPP residents know when the City signed the contract with CCAS or when they plan to?” We also asked, “…if they (meaning FPP) could meet with the City before the contract was renewed?” In response, we received an email Monday morning telling us about this surprising Agenda Item 25 and how it will be voted on by Council, Tuesday evening, June 18th, 2019.

The Agenda Item reads “Consider and act upon authorizing the City Manager to execute an Amendment to the First Amended Interlocal Agreement by and between the City of Frisco, Texas and Collin County, Texas for animal shelter services. (CMO/BB)”

Due to this short notice, Frisco’s Pet Project can’t say we fully understand the proposal and is worried about the ramifications of this “Amendment” on our mission for a future animal and rescue center in the City of Frisco.

We would like to have more time to study the original First Amended Interlocal Agreement of 2006, and this new Second Amendment.

We would like the Council to table this Agenda Item 25 for at least 90 days so the citizens of Frisco can better understand the City’s justification of this proposal over any other viable solutions that the City may have explored leading up to this short-term solution of renewing its contract with Collin County. What other solutions were reviewed by the City before coming to this conclusion? The City of Frisco has been on a year-to-year contract with CCAS since the first amendment expired in 2016. We don’t believe that waiting to sign this proposal for a little while longer will cause a problem.

The Council has three courses of action as outlined in the proposal at tomorrow’s meeting, and they are —
  1. “Consider and act upon authorizing the City Manager to execute an Amendment to the First Amended Interlocal Agreement by and between the City of Frisco, Texas and Collin County, Texas for animal shelter services. (CMO/BB)”
  2. Input towards the discussion as desired;
  3. or Deny approval and send back to staff with direction.
Frisco’s Pet Project as three courses of action as well, and they are —
  1. If this concerns you too, please attend tomorrow’s City Council Meeting first for Citizen Input about Frisco’s Pet Progress to date at approximately 7:30, please arrive earlier if you would like to learn more or to speak. The City Hall address is 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, 1st floor, Council Chambers, Frisco, Texas 75034.
  2. If you can, please stay to hear further discussion of the Agenda Item 25 and what it means in moving forward with more long-term solutions to the City’s rescue needs.
  3. Right now and throughout the day, Tuesday June 18th, please email, call, or post comments on FB to the Mayor, the City Council Members and City Management and ask them to postpone Agenda Item 25 and/or appoint a City of Frisco advisory committee to further explore other options for a long-term solution to our pet needs immediately.

Jeff Cheney 972-292-5050
Shona Huffman 972-292-5052
John Keating 972-292-5051
Brian Livingston 972-292-5056
Tim Nelson 972-292-5055
Will Sowell 972-292-5053
Bill Woodard 972-292-5054

If you wish to learn more, the City sent us this link and has the Agenda Item, along with Council Memo and First and Second amendments at —

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