Frisco Pet Owners are Speaking Up!

Frisco rescues Jasper & Olivia

Here are only a few of the PAWSitive comments we are receiving in the comment section of our sign up form – Say Yes to Pets! Won’t you add your name to the list and speak up for those that can’t?

  • Add your comments below.
  • This is for Vinny. so that I can continue his legacy to change the life of all animals any way possible.
  • Laura V. – Please stop building new shops/homes in Frisco if you can’t help with this problem! We need help for these people who have such great hearts for our furry friends!
  • Cathy N. – Our city is one of the greatest cities in the U.S. Please stay on top of the need for this before it gets too big.
  • Julie C. – We need a shelter here in Frisco – so much need in the area!
  • Debra E. – We need a pet lost/found in Frisco desperately.
  • Nina P. – I’ve made the distant trek to bust my run away pug out of jail. I have small children who leave the door open and my pug is blind. He never gets beyond our street. Someone always turns him in instead of attempting Nextdoor.
  • Kathleen J. – Frisco needs our own animal shelter!
  • Laura R. – Collin County is at capacity. As a growing city, we need our own.
  • Stephanie W. – Good luck! So grateful for all the hard work!
  • Sheri M. – Frisco needs a pet shelter!
  • Betsy O. – This shelter is a MUST in Frisco! Please contact me for any additional help. I’ll be happy to help get this moving!
  • Cile H. – A city the size of Frisco with its growth absolutely needs an animal shelter.
  • Arda W. – YES!!!!!
  • Carol H. – We’ve been here 26 years. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve personally helped stray dogs and watched them be taken to McKinney. We are larger than Denton and they have a fantastic facility. I think Frisco is overdue for a rescue facility.
  • Michelle A. – Needed!! Can’t even believe a petition is needed to show the obvious!
  • Illya B. – So many of the cats I foster are adopted by Frisco residents and I want to show my support for this important project that affects all of us.
  • Verna B. – We need to keep our animals near us. Not in other cities.
  • Susanne D. – We need a pet shelter in Frisco!
  • Rosa G. – One may not make a huge difference but it is the beginning of something big. Unite and let our voice be heard!
  • Jami S. – How do we open one??? I’m interested in doing that!
  • Mitch H. – This is an idea that’s time has come.
  • Kathy B. – Please keep Frisco’s pets in Frisco!
  • Angie S. – Please make an animal’s life as important to Frisco as your sports complexes.
  • James W. – Frisco is a young, dynamic city. We can gain a lot of “brand” equity by showing concern for our pets and their owners.
  • Peggy R. – As a rescue volunteer, I was ever surprised to learn that the City of Frisco didn’t have a rescue facility. Plano had an animal shelter when the population was 5,000.
  • Marcia B. – Frisco pets deserves the best in services.
  • Dawn K. – Let’s keep our pets in Frisco! Frisco is a great place to live, work and play… it’s a shame that this is not yet a priority.
  • Ronda T. – We so need a no kill shelter in Frisco! Our city is one of the greatest cities in the U.S. – Please stay on top of the need for this before it gets too big. Collin County is at capacity. As a growing city, we need our own.

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